Cromwell Martial Arts Kenpo and Modern Arnis home training DVD’s are now available. It is now easier than ever to enhance your home training with our easy to follow martial arts instructional videos. It is like having your martial arts instructor at home. Practice your curriculum material at your own pace. While our training DVD' s are not intended to replace training with an instructor, they do make it easily to practice and review your belt material at your own pace.
Please see details below for info on each belt rank DVD.
The Kenpo material demonstrated on these DVD’s is the requirement material specifically taught at Cromwell Martial Arts, LLC and is not intended to represent any other style or curriculum. We teach a mix of Chinese Kempo and American Kenpo. The material demonstrated is intended as reference material only.

Yellow Belt DVD - Star block set, One Pinan, delayed sword, aggressive twins, sword of destruction, deflecting hammer, attacking mace, obscure sword. Bonus material: Variations of star block set. Self defense: checking the storm, mace of aggression, intellectual departure. This video was filmed using enhanced audio!
CLICK HERE to view a sample technique from the Yellow Belt DVD!

Orange Belt DVD – One pinan with kicks, short form of the tiger, clutching feathers, lone kimono, buckling branch, scraping hoof, triggered salute, five swords, grip of death, glancing salute. Bonus material: extension to Glancing Salute.

Purple Belt DVD – One Kata, two pinan, prance of the tiger, parting wings, repeating mace, leaping crane, thrusting prongs, twisted twig, evading the storm, crashing wings, thundering hammers

Blue Belt DVD – Twist of the tiger, 10 point blocking form, two kata, crossed twigs, wings of silk, thrusting wedge, fallen cross, bending the tree, gift of destiny

Green Belt DVD – Three Kata, coordination set, finger set, obscure claws, squatting sacrifice, taming the mace, menacing twirl, shield and mace, circle of protection. Bonus material: variations of taming the mace.

1st Degree Brown Belt DVD – Four Kata, capturing the storm, destructive twins, heavenly ascent, twisted rod, #1 - # 4 knife disarms, 4 stick disarms. Bonus material: Capturing the Storm with add-on.

2nd Degree Brown Belt DVD – Five kata, bo form one, capturing the rod, broken rod, defying the rod, #5 & #6 knife disarms, centerlock, fingerlock, basic ground escapes. Bonus material: Joint lock flow.

3rd Degree Brown Belt DVD – Stature of the crane, stick form one, leap of death, twirling hammers, dance of darkness, marriage of the rams, defensive cross, # 7 - #9 knife disarms, hammer lock. Bonus material: Stance Set One.

Black Belt DVD – Six Kata, double sinawali, trapping hands. Discussion of Black Belt requirements. Bonus material: Bokken Form.

The Modern Arnis material demonstrated on these DVD’s is the requirement material specifically taught at Cromwell Martial Arts and is not intended to represent any other style or curriculum. The majority of the material demonstrated are techniques learned from Frank Shekosky as taught to him by Grand Master Remy A. Presas, the founder of Modern Arnis. Some techniques demonstrated on the videos have been added to the curriculum or modified by Frank Shekosky. Sparring in our Modern Arnis curriculum consists of basic sparring, which is fixed patterns or semi-freestyle patterns used to learn and increase skill level, and freestyle sparring which is not pre-arranged and the intent is to subdue the opponent.
Check out sample video footage of what you will learn! Various Modern Arnis Footage and High Green Belt Footage.

Yellow Belt DVD – 12 angles of attack, block, check, counter, 12 basic stick disarms, basic striking styles, single sinawali, redonda, required kicks, empty hand vs. stick defense (checking the storm).

Blue Belt DVD – Anyo Isa emptyhand, Anyo Isa stick form, 12 disarms emptyhand vs. stick, basic locks, single sinawali applications, double sinawali, basic trapping hands drill, black check counter w/ slapoff, required kicks, emptyhand vs. stick self defense (evading the storm and calming the storm). Bonus material: Arnis Blocking Form.

High Blue Belt – Anyo Dalawa emptyhand, Anyo Dalawa stick form, reverse sinawali, flow drill, single stick twirling drill, trapping hands applications, redonda w/ abaniko, emptyhand vs. stick self defense (obstructing the storm and returning storm). Bonus material: bo staff vs. stick sinawali.

Green Belt – Anyo Tatlo ( emptyhand ), Anyo Tatlo ( stick ), Palis-Palis, Six count drill, One-two trapping hands drill, Abaniko Corto applications, Reverse Redonda, Cane grab releases, Empty-hand self defenses (capturing the storm and defying the storm **). Bonus material: Modern Arnis terminology .

High Green Belt - Anyo Apat ( emptyhand form 4 ), Anyo Apat ( stick form 4 ), #1 - #5 knife disarms, 6 count drill with disarms, Basic Tapi Tapi drill, Four stick sparring entries drill, Emptyhand vs. stick self defenses (brushing the storm and clipping the storm **). Bonus material: variation of clipping the storm.

Brown Belt - Anyo Lima ( empty hand form 5 ), Double stick form one, #6 - #9 knife disarms, punyo drill, stick sparring basic entry/exit, stick trapping drill, self defense: escape from the storm **. Bonus material: Lightning hands drill.
1st Degree Brown Belt - Anyo Anim, double stick form two, stick sparring, 1 - 5 count sinawali's, self defense: circling the storm**. Bonus material: 10 count drill.

2nd Degree Brown Belt - Anyo Pito, give and take locking flow drill, stick sparring left hand vs. right hand, #6 - #9 count sinawali's, Self defense: securing the storm **. Bonus material: joint lock flow ("the dance of pain").

3rd Degree BrownBelt - Anyo Walo ( Emptyhand Form 8 ), counters to 12 stick disarms, 1-4-1 knife drill, 10 count and 12 count sinawali's, brief review of right and left hand stick sparring. Bonus material: 6 count drill variation.

Black Belt - Freestyle sparring common telegraphs, offensive and defensive approaches. Freestyle sparring demo, advanced arnis concepts, applications to anyo isa emptyhand form. Bonus material: emptyhand vs. stick flow drill. This video was filmed using enhanced audio!

** The "storm" techniques are Kenpo self defense techniques that Sensei Shekosky has added to his modern arnis curriculum.
The weapons material demonstrated on these DVD’s is the requirement material specifically taught at Cromwell Martial Arts, LLC and is not intended to represent any other style or curriculum. We teach a variety of weapons. The material demonstrated is intended as reference material only.
Yellow Belt DVD – Bo form one ( Shihonuke ), Sticks 12 angles of attack, sticks striking styles, single sinawali. This video was filmed using enhanced audio!

Blue Belt DVD - Bo form two ( Choun No Kon ), 12 arnis stick disarms, double sinawali, reverse sinawali. This video was filmed using enhanced audio!

Cost of each video is $20.00 If placing a mail order, please add $3.00 for shipping and handling for the first video and add $1.00 for each additional video ordered*.
Please make checks or money orders payable to: Cromwell Martial Arts
Please mail order to: Cromwell Martial Arts, 871F Newfield St., Middletown, CT 06457
Copying these DVD’s is prohibited without the written consent of Frank Shekosky. These DVD’s are non-returnable and non-refundable. To replace any damaged or defective DVD’s contact Cromwell Martial Arts at telephone number 860/632-8188 within 10 days of receipt.
*Continental United States only. Please contact us for etstimated shipping costs for international orders.
"The arnis curriculum dvd's are great. Sensei Shekosky does an incredible job of using simple language to convey advanced concepts and movements. The camera work and angles make it easy to follow what is happening while Sensei is explaining it. I have been training continuously in the martial arts for 18 years and feel this program is filling a gap in my training. I highly recommend the arnis videos to anyone, regardless of style, rank, or experience with stick work."
- Johnny Hughes Head Instructor
CSRA Defensive Arts, Graniteville, SC
"When I found out that CMA was planning on putting together instructional DVDs I immediately put a deposit down to get the first copy. I'm pleased to say it was worth the wait! I got my DVD after Wednesday class and watched it as soon as I got home. Sensei and Sifu Wayne did a phenomenal production job. The DVD looks very professional. It begins with Sifu Debbie doing Star Block Set and One Pinan, followed by Sensei and Sifu Jim going over every self-defense technique in the Yellow Belt curriculum. Sifu Debbie's kiais are awesome! What makes the DVD great is that the material is done at half and full speeds and shown from different angles. This is a great tool for everyone who wishes to practice at home between classes and/or perfect their material. I highly recommend it to everyone regardless of their rank. Overall, I'm very happy with the product and look forward to the rest of the series. This DVD makes a great gift and a perfect stocking stuffer too. Furthermore! , it is reasonably priced. Please support our School and order your copy today!"
- Martin Acevedo
*****Training in Martial Arts can be hazardous. All techniques should be practiced in a controlled and safe manner. *****