Take advantage of Cromwell Martial Arts' Karate Dollars Referral Program!
Refer a new student to us and earn $25.00 Karate Dollars toward a purchase in our store, private lessons, CMA seminars or CMA special events!
Here's how the program works...
Give us the name of the student that you are referring. Be sure to tell the student to let us know during their registration that you are the one that referred them.
When the student enrolls for a 6 Month or 12 Month membership, you earn $25.00 toward a purchase in our store, private lessons, CMA seminars or CMA special events!
***We must know prior to the students registration that you are the one that referred them or you will not be eligible to earn karate dollars.***
Extra BONUS: Refer a total of 4 students to us who enroll in a 6 or 12 month program and earn an additional $25.00 Karate Dollars! That would be a total of $125.00 Karate dollars!